Coastal Landscape - Oil Painting Basics- 3 Day Workshop
Sharon Lampke, Artist and Instructor--Low Country Follow the Leader
Tuesday-Thursday, February 11th-13th, 2025, 10 am - 3 pm, $300
Space is limited so reserve a spot as soon as possible by emailing the gallery at!
This class will be a "Follow the Leader" and we will all start with the same image. (Coastal Marsh Scene)
You will learn the fundamentals of landscape...value, diminishing shapes, color shifts, leading the eye.
We will learn to mix color, layer and paint, not draw. We will wait until the last day to add highlights
"jewelry"! Upon registration we will be sending out a supply list to all the participants.
Open Studio - Thursdays, 11:30 am - 2 pm, $40
Beginning February 6th, available to all mediums --- first and third Thursdays with Kelly Atkinson Beginning March 13th, mIxed media---- second and Fourth Thursdays with Cindy Silvers Please call ahead if interested the week prior ---space is limited |